/////Windows Timer version 2.0///// System Requirements: Windows 3.0 or later Mouse Keyboard Monitor (or some kind of display) 386+ CPU Optional Requirements Sound Card (for beep sound) Mouse Pad (to keep your mouse move smooth) Human (Dog can be accepted, Monkey is still acceptable) Microphone (so you can record your nice voice and assign it to beep sound in sound part of your control panel, so you can hear nice voice at the time up.) Anti-Glare Fileter (always nice thing to have) Extention cord (so you can pull your keyboard, sit back, and relax) NetScape w/ Ethernet connection (So you can go to my home page and surf the net at the same time!) ...I'll stop here this time. How to Use: Run wtimer2.exe from windows (from windows 95, you can also run from dos prompt.) -Hold down left mouse button and drag to move the position. -Click right mouse button to bring up the menu, use left mouse button to choose. Setting - As is. Size - Change Appearance!!! Exit - Exit. -Setting Hour, Min, Sec Choose hour, min, and sec. Text Type in Text (Max around 100char) to be displayed at time up. Beep Check this if you want sound at last seconds Win95 Color If you have windows 95, check this and get neat color (blue?). You have to restart the program. Save Save window position, size, hour, min, etc, as default. Ok Accept the value. Cancel Cancel. -Double click left mouse button to toggle between run/pause timer. I think that's about it. Usage: Make noodles, timer so you don't go too deep into the dial-up networking, or so you don't work too much with same amount of payment, etc. What's been upgraded: Graphics!!! Interface Now supports up to 9h59m59s New main core, acculate time check. (no more busy-stop thing) Notes: This is a freeware, use on your own risk, I do not hold responsibilities for any harm that have been caused by this program. You may upload, share, etc to any ftp sites or friends as long as there's no charge for this program. Please do not modify any of the included files, which is: Readme.txt : this file wtimer2.txt : main program bc450rtl.dll : somehow you need this to run. Programmed by: NeFa'96 (NeoFantasy Studio 1996) Feb 22-25 1996 Compiled using Boarland C++ Version 4.51 Special Thanks To: All the people who wrote me an e-mail! Corel Draw (for font I used) Microsoft (for providing windows) Boarland (for such a nice Compiler!) and all.... Afterwords: There was e-mails saying that they liked my WinTimer version 1.0, thanks very much! And they were saying that 9min59sec limit is too low... so, I've decided to create v2.0. I was thinking "Oh, I just have to modify the source code a bit..." but, things wasn't that easy... I lost the source code for version 1.0 :-( So, I had to study windows programming from step 1, from scratch... it was pain. However, that resulted in better-looking graphics and better interface! Well, I hope you'll like this version!!! Feedbacks: Please report any bugs, suggessions, comments, and anything that you want to say to: yokohis@charlie.acc.iit.edu Which should be avaiable 'till 97 May, when I graduate this school. After that, I don't know... Check for my newest programs to see the new address you can reach me then. Also, my homepage located at: http://www.iit.edu/~yokohis should be available till '97. You can download newest and old programs from there, too. Any by the way, usually my programs uploaded to cica or other sites will be named n_?????.zip, the keypoint is it starts with "n_". =NeFa'96=